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Additional Services

Do you have data needs that go beyond the Data Cookbook implementation services? We can provide additional assistance to your data governance, Data Cookbook and data management efforts.
Data Cookbook Consulting

For clients who have completed their initial implementation but want to take their use of the Data Cookbook to a higher level, additional Data cookbook consulting services can be purchased at any time. This consulting is designed to help in three main areas:


  • increasing the amount and range of data elements you are documenting;

  • improving the processes by which the Data Cookbook content is created and curated, including developing new approval workflows;

  • more tightly integrating the Data Cookbook into your technical environment.

Data Cookbook Training

Need to bring new staff up to speed on the basics of the Data Cookbook, and/or its role as a Data Governance tool?  Want to learn how to use advanced features?  Interested in developing custom workflows to approve Data Cookbook content? Contact us to set up training sessions, which can be delivered either remotely or on site.  Our trainers work with you to determine your needs, develop training agendas, and provide hands-on training or demonstrations as appropriate.

Data Management Staff Augmentation

While the Data Cookbook helps to increase knowledge and reduce the overall effort around institutional reporting, many of our clients tell us that they wish they had a team to focus on overall data management at their organization.  Our team is available to provide a variety of specific services in this area, as well as high-level assessment, practice modeling, and coaching.


The expert Data Cookbook team can be your staff for where you need them and when you need them.  Let our team fill in the gaps in your team.

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